Your business is starting to make money…
like REAL money…
And it feels oh, so good.
What sucks is...you don’t see any of it.
This happens for at least four reasons:
#1 - You don’t know what to do with the money that comes in because you’ve never had that much money come into your bank account…which means you also don’t know where the money goes.
#2 - You don’t believe you deserve the money and therefore you resist receiving it in the first place.
#3 - You know EXACTLY what to do with the money. That’s because you’ve put off all the things that needed your attention when you didn’t have it. Now that you DO have money, it has gone to things like:
Repairs for the air conditioner in your home
Emergency root canal
Catching up on payments for your three credit cards and line of credit
Shoes for your child’s softball tournament
Tuition for your child’s summer camp
New tires for your car
Repaying the friend that loaned you money for last week’s dinner
Repaying your mom, who helped you pay for last month’s car note
…and all of that is in addition to the usual living expenses, such as:
groceries, mortgage/rent, utilities, insurance, etc.
Fun fact: #3 was often me
#4 - You lack support, which also means you are doing everything on your own. This is a big one! Because you lack support you end up focusing on the 'wrong things'. Those 'wrong things' do not generate revenue and waste time. Wasted time means you wait until you have time to manage your money, which ultimately costs you more money. Perhaps this explains why your credit card debt continues to rise.
Another fun fact: #4 was also me
To fix this money issue you do at least one of four things:
Make more money to out-earn your financial problems because more revenue means more money in your pocket, right?
Improve your money mindset through books, podcasts, memberships, and courses, and also supplement that work with the Law of Attraction, manifestation, astrology, Human Design, numerology, and all things spirituality.
Join a money membership of some kind that shares budget templates and encourages you to have money dates or read some personal finance books and try to translate that knowledge to your business.
Delegate the business finances to a (cheap) bookkeeper so you can work on your business, not in it.
All actions are good!
…however, none really help you have money.

Here's why...
Each option is handled separately, as in separate events.
Separate events mean more hats to wear.
More hats to wear means more time consumed.
Don’t forget. At this stage in your business, you are already wearing several hats, if not all of them!
No wonder you put off doing the money things for your business!
You don’t have time!
And when you don’t have time you don’t get the bank-boosting results you deserve.
WORSE! You don't have the money to do the things you love!
Allow me to explain...
Trying to out-earn your financial problems does not address the root cause of your financial problems. You are on the run from your own business, all the time, trying to outpace a leaky financial bucket (or perhaps a non-existent financial bucket). This eventually leads to burn out and a lot of money lost.
While many money mindset programs are amazing, they often have you improving your mindset with money AWAY from the finances, not in it, which means you are avoiding your finances. Sure you feel better about your money and your life, however, the programs still leave you being afraid to check your bank accounts and unsure how to actually handle your finances. My podcast episode, ‘How Money Mindset is Keeping you Broke’ addresses this issue.
Budget membership programs are also great, however, when you use someone else’s budget template, you end up following someone else’s budgeting path, which might not be best for you. You need to follow your own path.
The (cheap) bookkeeper does what he-she-they are supposed to do. Unfortunately, you didn’t realize you need to actually review the numbers and use them to take the proper steps forward. Most business owners fail to do this. Unfortunately, the bookkeeper ends up being another expense rather than a benefit.
None of this is your fault.
You simply were not taught how to handle your money.
Currently your business is experiencing these challenges:
Increasing credit card debt because you have been investing in your business and also trying to support your life. Perhaps you also have a line of credit, loan, and even taxes to repay.
Feast and famine cycle that looks like money coming in and going out, quickly.
Difficulty paying bills as a result of the feast and famine cycle.
Burnout and exhaustion from constantly trying to make more money.
Painfully slow growth of business.
And in your life:
Not present for kids, friends, and family because you’re constantly worrying about how to make money.
Fighting feelings of guilt and shame for treating yourself to an iced mocha with oat milk or for buying a $1.25 bottle of water.
No time to date and maintain your personal relationships because you are always working…and honestly you are ashamed of never having enough money.
Missed birthdays, weddings, holiday parties, and other important events.
Weight gain, stress, anxiety, fear, because you are constantly on zoom calls.
Delaying much needed doctor visits and dentist appointments because you can’t afford to pay for the visit…
No time for yourself because you are constantly working, and hope things will be better one day.

I’m not trying to depress you, I PROMISE!
But sometimes we really need to see things for what they are.
Therefore I need to make this very clear…
The challenges you currently face are NOT the reasons you started a business!
You deserve better!!
I see you and you work really hard!
Let’s remember why you started your business.
Part of running a business includes having money to do the things you love.
That includes:
Enjoying a latte or a bottle of water without the financial guilt and shame.
Traveling to your bucket list destination with plenty of money available during and after you return from your trip.
Being fully present for your significant other and children because you no longer worry about money.
Dating with confidence.
Having fun with friends.
Donating money and even having the time to volunteer at your favorite charity.
Taking care of yourself which includes healthcare.
Never worrying about emergency expenses because you are prepared.
Being excited about the business you run.
This needs to be repeated: Having money in your bank account to actually do the things you love.
My podcast episode, 'You Need a FUN Account! Here's Why...', will hype you up about this!

I'm here to help you have money to do the things you love!
Achieve Financial Control

This is not another course or coaching program.
This is support.
Kim Kardashian has Dash support.
Serena Williams and Raphael Nadal (both are Tennis champions) have Grand Slam support.
The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills have Glam Squad support.
The President of the United States of America has Air Force One level support.
With me, you'll get Achieve Financial Control support.
Achieve Financial Control support will grow your bank accounts without unnecessary sacrifices.
(Am I sounding like a broken record yet? Ha!)
A few business outcomes from
Achieve Financial Control:
Remove money-blocking beliefs such as “money is hard to come by” and replace them with financially empowering and prosperous beliefs like, “I love money and money loves me”.
Reduce or even eliminate crippling credit card, lines of credit, loans, and other forms of debt while watching your bank balance grow.
Experience the easiest tax season ever because you not only prepared, you planned ahead.
Pay yourself regularly because as the business owner, you are the most important employee.
Focus on what is truly a revenue generating activity instead of wasting time on the things that do not add to your bottom line.
Actually enjoy running your business.
When you achieve these outcomes you also get to have money to do MORE of the thing you love, as mentioned above.
6 month (renewable) container to give time to implement the financial processes and ensure each piece truly helps you keep more of your hard-earned money.
2 calls per month (12 calls total) to provide for strategic financial solutions, improve mindset with money, accountability, and, in general, to check in.
Me doing your bookkeeping for you!
Work with an accountant that understands the accounting rules (yes, there are rules to follow) and can get ALL of your deductions…because no one likes paying more taxes than they have to.​
Phase One: Grounding (Month 1 - 2)
The 30 - 60 Day Bank Account Detox
This is confidential grounding experience begins the process of achieving financial control by helping you understand your current financial picture. Taking a deep dive into your bookkeeping, I will help you find your hidden cash, plug existing money leaks, and upgrade your financial habits. And if you don't have books, I'll create them for you.
You should experience having more money in your bank accounts in this phase.
(An extra fee will be added should your bookkeeping need to be created and caught up)
Phase Two: Transformation (Months 2, 3, & 4)
Control Your Cash Flow
Continue growing your bank accounts by following a cash flow plan customized to the needs of you and your business. This puts you, as the CEO and owner, in charge of the flow and intention of your cash.
Overcome Limiting Beliefs on Prosperity
You don't have to choose between money and doing the things you love. And let's put an end to feeling guilty for charging for your work, buying a coffee, and wanting money. Here we will unpack your money story to get to the source of your limiting beliefs about money. Together, we will clear the beliefs that limit you and replace them with beliefs that empower you.
Phase Three: Surrender (Months 5 & 6)
Plan to Profit, Mindfully
Profit is intentional, not accidental. It requires you to be present and humble. Boost your profits by following a plan that enables you to work smarter not harder.
Through the repetition of your cash flow and profit plan, which includes applying your upgraded mindset along the way, you'll witness your business shift from cash strapped into the legacy building, money-making machine it is meant to be.
Wait! There's More!
​Make Money Work For You Deep Dive
During this 60 - 90 minute deep dive, we discuss your BIG vision. This clarity call sets the tone for your money to ensure it serves you. ​
Achieve Financial Control
Because your business makes money,
and you deserve to have something called
to show for it.
Two Investment Pathways:
On your way to your first $100k?
6 monthly payments of $600
Earning $100k or more in revenue?
6 monthly payments of $1,250
*Your bookkeeping will be reviewed before we start our work together and I will always show you (not tell you) what we are focusing on. An additional $200 per month will be added, for every month your bookkeeping is behind or incorrect. *
At the end of 6 months, you will have the routines and a structure in place, and more money in your bank account without the unnecessary sacrifices.
In fact, if you follow the process, I guarantee you will see more money in your bank accounts within 60 days.
And don’t worry…I will be teaching you everything you need to know so that you can continue building your bank account, even after our work together.
And if you like me, we keep working together. Some of my clients have been with me for four years.
Frequently Asked Questions
What exactly is Achieve Financial Control?
Achieve Financial Control is a financial framework that supports you in building and strengthening your financial system. A 'system', loosely defined, is a set of things or elements that work together to support a whole body. That body is your business. That means Achieve Financial Control serves to implement or fill in the holes in your financial system so that the financial system effectively supports your business.
One element of your finance system is cash flow. With my support, you will learn how to direct the flow of your cash.
Another element of your finance system is profit. Together we will also improve the profitability of your business by implementing routines and habits that best align with you.
The third element of your finance system involves bookkeeping (tracking your finances). Throughout our time together, I will do your bookkeeping, which gives you time to focus on nurturing the rest of your business. The bookkeeping also helps you/us understand what is driving your success by providing accountability and the opportunity to monitor the impact of the financial routines that have been put in place to support you and your business.
The fourth element in the system is mindset. Twice a month, we will come together to strengthen your relationship with your money.
In short, I am to be your temporary finance function that puts money into your bank account. No unnecessary sacrifices, such as coffees, are necessary.
Shouldn't I just focus on getting more leads in order to have more money?
Yes you could work on getting more leads to bring more money in. However, you should also and definitely learn to keep, have, and hold the money you make. And no, you don't need to cut coffees, be an absentee parent, and work all the time to keep, have, and hold money.
The skill of making money is different from the skill of having money. You need both.
Often, when a business struggles with having money, their problem is NOT always a lead problem. It is a money management problem.
I'm working on my money mindset. Isn't that enough?
Improving your mindset around money is excellent! However, money mindset alone can keep you struggling for money. That is because most money mindset teachings have you improving your money outside of your finances, which means you are still avoiding your finances. Check out my podcast episode (How Money Mindset Keeps Your Broke) to learn more on how and why money mindset can keep you broke.
In Achieve Financial Control, you will improve your mindset with money by handling your finances. Together you and I will develop your finance system, which supports your healthy money mindset.
​Do I need to have my financial sh%t together before I work with you?
No way!
You are not supposed to have your financial sh%t together before working with someone like me. My job is to help you get your financial sh%t together. That looks like having more money in your bank account without sacrificing the things you love.
​Who is Achieve Financial Control "best" for?
This experience is specifically for the small business owner and entrepreneur that wants to have money to do MORE of the things they love, such as spend time with family, take a vacation, drink coffees without guilt, and sleep peacefully because the finances no longer keep them up at night.
Who is Achieve Financial Control not for?
This experience is not for the business owner looking for a "cheap" bookkeeper because you are "good" with handling your expenses...or the person that wants to "outsource" the things they are not good at. Even though I do your bookkeeping, this is not a bookkeeping firm.
This is also not for the person who refuses to do the work. I support you and do some of the work for you, however, change comes from you.
​How is Achieve Financial Control different from other coaching programs and courses?
Achieve Financial Control is not a "typical" coaching program or course. There are no modules and Q&A sessions per se. Furthermore, I won't be doing a weekly 90-minute webinar-style lecture that has you scribbling notes as you try to retain the information shared. More importantly, you will not be left alone, struggling to interpret and implement what you have learned.
I write the above not to put down other courses and coaching styles but to highlight what this experience is not.
What this experience IS is an opportunity to implement and practice a new way of being, thinking, and acting in order to achieve a different result.
That result is more money in your bank accounts.
​Why does my business need a financial system?
Money is the lifeblood of any business. It is also a resource that serves you and, by extension, your community. In order for money to be the resource that serves you, you need a system or process that helps you be a good steward of money.
Achieve Financial Control helps you be a good steward of money, which, as a by-product, is why you keep more of your hard-earned money without sacrificing the things you love.
Why is Achieve Financial Control six months long?
For starters, the goal is not to keep more money in your bank accounts in six months or less. The goal is to ALWAYS have money. We focus on having money, not time.
Also, it takes time to adjust and adapt. It takes time to grow. In Achieve Financial Control, the purpose is to grow sustainably not as fast as possible. Sustainable growth leads to that compound interest or quantum leaps we hear about. Instead of hearing about it, you get to experience it.
​Why have you created two different price points for Achieve Financial Control (for small business owners and entrepreneurs seeking their first $100k AND earning more than $100k)?
In my 6 years working with small business owners and entrepreneurs, I observed a unique set of needs, depending on the revenue level. Those earning 6-figures or less usually need assistance implementing a structure for their money. Those earning between 6-figures and 7-figures have a structure...but need to fill in holes and gaps to meet the demands of their larger business. And truthfully, I should have a price point for those earning more than 7 figures. In general, the more one generates in revenue, the more value is needed in order for their money to work for them.
Secondly, according to LendingTree, "Managing money is a stumbling block for many new and established businesses." Over 50% of small businesses fail after 5 years of being in business due to cash flow problems. Cash flow problems happen because of a failure to manage money in a supportive way. Achieve Financial Control is about helping you manage money in a way that supports your business. Part of managing money is understanding how to control cash.
Work with someone, who supports you by helping you have money, not just make it.

About Chioma...
I’m an accountant and financial coach. During my corporate years, I was really good at managing other people’s money. I was also horrible at managing mine. I’d confront that fact when I hit financial rock bottom in 2015.
Developing positive financial habits took me from financial rock bottom to having money in my bank accounts. As an “I’ll believe it when I see it” kind of gal, seeing money increase in my bank accounts helped me commit to my positive financial habits. Keeping the financial habit simple also helped me commit.
Eventually, I'd create a financial system that supported my financial habits.
Because the financial system was rewarding and simple, I improved my relationship with money, removed toxic money beliefs, and improved my self worth. I want you, to experience the same outcomes and so much more.
I’m on a mission to help wonderful people like you keep more of their hard-earned money without sacrificing the things you love.
Cheers to your prosperity!